Friday, January 31, 2014

Hurricane Resurrection

© Guyspencer 2014
Hurricane Resurrection

It was August in Florida, peak hurricane season.  Unfortunately this had been an unlucky hurricane season for  Ed and June, because Hurricane Iris had hit them dead center.  Fortunately Iris was “only”a category two storm, not one of those huge killer storms.


The winds of Hurricane Iris howled around their house.  This was the leading edge of the storm, so the noise would continue for hours.  The power had gone out two hours ago.  Only their florescent lantern relieved the darkness in their house.  Even their phone was out.  With the television silent, the winds sounded all the louder. 

Their sturdy window awnings were lowered and bolted into place, serving as ideal storm shutters.  Unfortunately they blocked the view outside, increasing the couple’s feeling of isolation.  

But there was something else that increased the Ed and June’s feeling of isolation.  They had recently become “empty nesters.”  Just two weeks ago, their two children had gone off to the state university for the Fall term.  Daniel was a Sophomore and was returning to school, but their “baby” Judith was a Freshman who had just left home for the first time.  The house felt empty.  Ed and June had still been adjusting to this new reality when storm warnings were posted.

At least preparing for the storm distracted them for a few days.  Ed was a believer in hurricane preparedness, so their house was already hardened.  While his neighbors were feverishly buying plywood and nailing it over their windows, Ed simply had to fold down those expensive storm-certified awnings and bolt them into place.  He had a generator for after the storm.  At the first hint of a coming storm, he filled his gas cans and topped off the car.  Soon everyone else was waiting in long gas lines, but Ed had thought ahead.  Working together, Ed and June stored water, made ice, set their freezer to max, and cleared their yard of loose items.  Naturally, they already had a week’s worth of nonperishable food in the pantry plus plenty of toilet paper! 

Then the storm came!


When you love a woman, isolation isn’t all bad.  Not bad that is, as long as you are isolated together with her!  As the first gale-force winds washed over their house, Ed and June sat side-by-side on the couch watching their local news anchor spout inane storm survival advice.  Finally Ed muted the TV and opened a bottle of wine.  Solemnly, they went through the ritual of filling their glasses and clicking them together.  They knew better than to get sloshed, but that glass of wine helped them relax.  They cuddled.  They kissed.  Ed realized that this was the first time they had been truly alone in over 20 years.  It felt good!

Ed’s hands wandered.  June pretended to slap his hand away, but her knees spread to offer him a feel of her clothed thigh.  It felt odd to openly make out right there in the living room!  Still, June wasn’t one to “fool around” in the middle of the day.  So as Ed expected, the moment passed without much else happening.  Their love hadn’t dwindled over the years, but the physical part of their relationship unfortunately had.  Their sex life, such as it was, had become unchanging and achingly conventional. 


After the electricity went out, Ed turned on the lantern.  Naturally he already had it ready and waiting.  It was supper time, so they made Spam sandwiches.  That’s when the wind really started to roar!

The only way that Ed could see outside the house was to peek through the tiny window in their front door.  There was still enough light for him to see debris blowing down the street.  He could see branches, garbage cans, and shingles that had apparently dislodged from some neighbor’s roof.  He saw some hit his car.  That flying debris explained some of the odd “thumping” noises he heard inside the house.

Later, Ed realized that some of June’s problems may have been triggered by his own nervous prowling.  At the same time that he had been reassuring June that all was well, he had seldom sat with her for two consecutive minutes.  Seconds after he sat down, he would spring back up to  patrol the house with a flashlight looking for leaks or other signs of trouble. 

At first, June’s state of mind hadn’t even been on his radar.  But gradually he began to realize that she was spinning out of control.  First she seemed increasingly nervous, then she started obsessing about things that weren’t even rational, like the safety of their children, who were nowhere near the path of the storm!  Then she became shrill.  Suddenly June had Ed’s undivided attention.  He had seen this behavior before, but that had been years ago!  He had to take action, but his options were limited.

Ed had June had started out their marriage as an adventurous and sensual couple with an active and varied sex life.  Early on, they had discovered spanking.  This wasn’t surprising since they both came from spanking families.  Their first marital spanking happened when she had agreed to a spanking as punishment for some bad behavior.  There were more punishment spankings later, but they were never common.  Soon after, they discovered that “good girl” spankings could be a turn on.  So spankings became a regular and exciting part of their foreplay.

June was an excitable type who sometimes let her emotions get out of control.  Early on, this had totally disconcerted Ed.  But then her mother told him how to respond to a hysterical episode; give her a short but sharp spanking!  The spanking would trigger a crying spell, which seemed to act as a safety valve to her emotions.  They called them “sanity spankings”.  June would sometimes fight the process, but afterwards she would be apologetic, understanding, and even grateful! 

Of course, children change everything!  June had never been able to take a spanking quietly, so when their first child became able to notice what was happing and to ask questions, the spankings stopped.  Also the general lack of privacy put a damper on their erotic activity, except whatever happened quietly in their bedroom with the children fast asleep.

After that, June’s hysterical “episodes” were handled by the family doctor with prescriptions.  Fortunately, June’s emotional problems decreased with age until they were no longer a regular issue.

When she had her “meltdown” in the middle of that storm, it was the first such episode Ed had seen in over five years.


To poor Ed, it seemed as if the whole world had gone crazy.  First Mother Nature threw her full fury at his world, but now June’s sudden hysteria presented a more immediate problem.

They had long ago thrown the pills out.  Calling the doctor or taking her to the emergency room were both impossible.  Their phone was out, and driving through the storm was out of the question!  Even paramedics stop responding to calls when winds reach hurricane force. 

But then he remembered June’s mother’s advice.  If it worked then, why wouldn’t work now?

He thought of many reasons to not do it; it was taking a chance, it could make things worse, she might refuse...  But then he thought of how it used to be in those delightful first years of their marriage.  What he would give to have that same woman back!  Perhaps this was the way to bring spanking back into their lives!

He took her hand.  “Were going into the bedroom.”

“Sex” she screamed, “That’s all you ever think about.”

“No,” he replied, “That’s not what’s foremost in my mind right now.  Come on honey, everything will be fine.  Let’s go in the bedroom and close the door so there will be less noise.”   

Temporarily mollified, she allowed herself to be led.  He sat on the bed with her standing before him.  He reached down and removed one of her shoes.  Automatically she raised the other foot.  He removed that shoe also.  He hugged her, told her he loved her, inserted his thumbs into the elastic of her pants, and then drew down her pants and panties together.  He held them down to the floor.  She stepped out of them as if they were undressing for bed.

Again he hugged her, his arms around her still-slim waist.  He kissed her bare belly, and then looked up at her.  “This will be a ‘sanity spanking’ honey.”

Her eyes got big.  Ed’s heart rate suddenly doubled.  This was the most dangerous moment!  He didn’t know what to expect. 

Everything was at stake.  Not just what happened today was at stake, but the quality of their remaining years together depended on what happened in the next ten minutes!  It especially depended on her reaction to the words he had just uttered.

Shocked, she stared at him open mouthed. 

“Come on honey” he urged, “You know you need this.  Come across my lap.”

He gave a little tug.  Some old feelings of submissiveness kicked in inside her brain.  Perhaps they were left over from her parental spankings, perhaps from their early married life.  Whatever it was, like in a trance she automatically obeyed.

For both of them, the sounds of Hurricane Iris lost importance.  Their whole universe had contracted to include only the two of them.

Ed looked down at the proffered bottom with wonder in his eyes.  Sure, it had spread a bit, mostly from her two pregnancies, but it still looked great to him!  It was pale and flawless, its skin still taut.  He felt her buttocks, and found them still firm and spankable.

He gave her a few experimental stingers.  She stiffened, but absorbed it quietly.  At any moment he expected her to start screeching again, or to ask him “who the hell he thought he was.”  Those first tentative spanks left an indistinct oval splotch on each cheek, as if a child had been playing with rouge.

Taking a firm hold around her waist lest she struggle, Ed started a proper warmup spanking.  As her bottom pinkened and warmed, he actually felt her relax.  Taking his time, he painted her bottom an even shade of pink, and then repeated the process, darkening the hue a few more shades.

Remembering how he used to do it years ago, he gradually tightened his hold, anticipating a brief fight.  Then, without warning, he unleashed a fusillade of nearly full-strength spanks.  Poor June bucked and screeched.  Her bottom bounced.  Her buttocks flattened with each spank, but then each orb would obediently pop back into shape as if begging for another spank.  This part was brief, less than a minute, but in that time Ed had delivered perhaps fifteen serious spanks to each buttock.

The shock of that sudden spanking had its desired effect.  Moments later, June was sitting on his lap and bawling into his shoulder. She cried for perhaps fifteen minutes, cleansing her soul of toxic emotions.  As she cried, he noticed beads of sweat.  She didn’t protest when he peeled off her blouse.  He held her until he saw sanity in her eyes.

They kissed.  To his shock, she thanked him.  They kissed again.

An old memory stirred itself in Ed’s brain.  Keeping June seated on his lap, he leaned towards their night stand and opened a small drawer.  Way in the back, behind a tube of KY jelly, he found an ancient jar of aloe lotion.  He showed it to her.  It featured a price tag from a long-defunct drug store chain.

“You need some ‘after care’ June.  Lay back across my lap so I can check your bottom.”

Her buns were bright red, but he saw no evidence of imminent bruising.  He gently applied a generous dollop of lotion to each cheek, and then gingerly spread it.  The lotion had its effect, she sighed with relief.  He continued his work, spreading the lotion well beyond the spanked area, down onto her thighs.  Automatically her legs splayed. 

His ministrations became increasingly personal.  June not only tolerated his advances, she seemed to welcome them.  Finally one of Ed’s exploring fingers dipped into the wellspring of her femininity.  He smiled with victory as he detected lubrication.  As that hand continued its work, his other busied itself with her bra strap.    

Soon there were two tempests happening at Ed & June’s address.  There was Hurricane Iris blowing outside, but there was a more important tempest happening in their bed as they enjoyed their best sex in decades.

Later that evening June suggested that now that they had privacy in their own house, perhaps they should “go back to spanking”.

Ed was delighted.  He had won back the woman he had married.  Ed & June’s marriage had been resurrected by Hurricane Iris!

© Guyspencer 2014

Brenda’s Punishment Swap

© Guyspencer 2014

Brenda’s Punishment Swap

The problem started a week ago when Brenda had missed curfew for the third time in a month.  The first time she got off with a warning.  The second time earned her a three-day restriction along with a stern warning.  That third time, she had been deathly afraid that she would end up bare-bottomed across her father’s lap for a painful application of the family hairbrush.  When she had instead “only” been given two weeks strict restriction, she tearfully thanked her parents for their forbearance and promised that she had learned her lesson.  Actually it was almost final exam time, so Brenda needed to stay home to study anyhow.

While relieved, Brenda hadn’t been totally surprised at her parent’s decision to not spank her.  Now that she and her brother Jim were both teens, their father was the family’s sole spanker.  Although always a reluctant spanker, for the last couple years Brenda had noticed that her father was more reluctant to spank her than her brother, even though Jim was the oldest!  At 16, Brenda was finally old enough to understand some of the complicated reasons behind her father’s reluctance to spank her.  Frankly, Brenda tended to use that reluctance to her advantage. 

Jim also noticed the difference in treatment, but really didn’t mind.  Although he hated still being subject to parental discipline at his age, unlike Brenda he preferred a quick spanking to a lingering restriction.  Unlike many siblings, Brenda and Jim were close friends.   

Nobody could possibly have predicted it, but their school’s football team, the Dover High Bulldogs, won the local playoff against a much better team.  Frankly, the Bulldogs had been happy to simply make the playoffs as the underdog team.  Actually winning was far from anybody’s mind.  It was a first in the history of the school!  But these things happen in the uneven world of high school football.

With funding donated from various sources, the school planned a huge victory celebration/party in the school gym for the following Friday evening.  Suddenly this was a huge problem for Brenda!  

Brenda was a member of the junior varsity cheerleading squad.  Competition was fierce, but she had reason to hope for a slot on the varsity cheerleading squad next year.  Her restriction initially hadn’t posed a problem for her cheerleading because the JV football team had already played its last game of the year.  However, both cheerleading squads would be expected to “dress out” and perform at the celebration.  If Brenda were absent for that important event, it would devastate her chances to make next year’s varsity squad. 

Suddenly  Brenda went from being content, even happy, with her restriction, to being desperate to get out of it!

She first went to Jim for advice.  Viewing Brenda’s situation from a student’s prospective, he uniquely understood how important this was to his sister.  “You should ‘cop a plea’ with mom and dad,” he advised.  “Your chances are small though. They’re hard-nosed about following through on punishments.  The question is, who to talk to first?  Mom or dad?” 

After a short discussion, they agreed that Brenda should approach mom first.  Having once been a cheerleader, she might be more understanding.

They decided that Brenda’s first offer should be to substitute two extra days of restriction for that one evening that Brenda needed.  Failing that, she would offer a whole week.  Failing that, Brenda had a “desperation plan” in mind.  If necessary, she would volunteer to suffer the punishment she had been initially happy to miss, the hairbrush on her bare bottom!


At first, Brenda’s mother stonewalled, dismissing out of hand Brenda’s escalating offers of extra days of restriction in exchange for permission to attend the victory celebration.  She repeated an old mantra, “Once a punishment is decided, it’s final.  Nothing you say can change it.”

“But mom...”

“Do you realize that I hate being your jailer when you are on restriction?” mother asked.  “Frankly, I wish your father had just spanked you and gotten it over with.”

Brenda’s mouth went dry.  Desperate, Brenda went for broke,  “OK mom, can I take the spanking then?  I know I was due for the hairbrush on my bare bottom.  I’m so desperate that it could even be bare in front of the whole family.”

Her mother colored and gasped.  Certain proprieties were very important to her, “Any bare bottom spanking you get in this house will be in private.  Of that you can be sure!”

In a more reasonable tone, mother sat her down, “Brenda do you really want to do that?  Really?  I remember the last time your father spanked you bare with that hairbrush.  You were a blubbering, squalling mess!  Your bottom was a sight!  Your eyes were red and puffy and your nose ran so bad that you got it in your hair. You sat gingerly for several days.  That’s a serious punishment.  Think girl!”

“Besides,” she continued, “Your father hates spanking, especially spanking you.  Since your punishment is already set, he’ll never consent to spank you.

Seeing nothing but failure if she continued down this path, Brenda suddenly received inspiration, an idea born from desperation!

“Mommy, please promise that you’ll consider what I’m asking.  If I don’t make that victory celebration, it will kill my chances of making the varsity cheerleading squad.  You were a cheerleader once, so you understand how important that is!”

“What difference would that make Brenda?” her mother said with exasperation, “ I’ve already told you that your father won’t go for it.”         

Then Brenda sprang her little idea, “Could you please ask daddy to put the question to a family council?  That’s the fairest way to decide without any one person’s personal feelings getting in the way.”

Mother’s mouth opened in shock.  She started to speak, then paused with a thoughtful expression.   “You realize that you wouldn’t have a vote, right?  You would get to say your piece, but then the vote would be up to dad, me and Jim.”

“Yes,” Brenda said with a nod, “That’s fair.  The hard part would be getting dad to agree to put the question before the family council.”

Mother looked at her watch. “It’s three hours before your father is due home.  Young lady, you go up to your room.  Think hard!  Remember the last time you felt that hairbrush on your bare bottom.  Remember it well!  See me in two hours to tell me if this still sounds like a good idea to you.”  Mother pointed to the door, “Now go!”

Brenda ran, ran straight to Jim’s room, where she fortunately found him just as he was preparing to leave.  She told him that her only chance was to swap her restriction for a spanking.  Then she explained her “family council” brainstorm.  “Can I count on your vote Jim?  “Pleeeeasse?”

“You want me to help you get spanked?” He gasped incredulously, “Really?”

“Yes Jim,” Brenda said with assurance, “It scares the crap out of me, but it’s the only plan with the slightest chance of success.  I hate the idea, but I must go to that victory celebration!”

“OK Brenda,” he said kissing her on the cheek, “It’s your ass.  And I mean that literally!  If you change your mind, be sure to tell me.” 

At the appointed time, Brenda found her mother.

“Well sweetheart, did you do that serious thinking?”

“Yes mommy, but I didn’t change my mind.  I’ll take the spanking.”

“Whoa there,” Mother warned.  “We’re just talking about the possibility of having a family council to decide if it’s OK to change your punishment.  Is that still what you want?”

“Yes Mommy,” Brenda gushed, “Can you please talk daddy into it?”

“I’ll try,” mother promised, “But don’t count on it.”

Brenda hugged her mother eagerly, but then got a calculating look on her face.  “One more thing Mommy, is there any chance of you voting my way?”

“I’ll only promise to listen and then to vote my own heart.”

“That’s all I ask Mommy.”

At that, Brenda literally skipped from the room.


Brenda stayed scarce when her father came home, but snooped just enough to know that he and mother had disappeared into their bedroom, where they likely were discussing her.

The parents called Brenda and Jim down for supper.  Just before desert, father announced that there would be a family council at 8 PM, but gave no further information.  Jim groaned inwardly.  He had other plans for the evening, but knew how important this was to Brenda. 

Brenda’s stomach flipped.  Suddenly she was so nervous that she had to pee!  She asked to be excused.  Her father replied, “OK darling, but be there at eight.”  Brenda fled.


Shortly before eight, Brenda knocked on Jim’s bedroom door.  He appeared and looked deep into her eyes, “Changed your mind?”  She bit her lip and shook her head “no”.  “Well,” he said, “Let’s get downstairs.”

As was traditional for a family council, the living room had been arranged so that the four of them sat in a rough circle.  Brenda wore pajamas, her restriction outfit.  Everyone else wore street clothes.   

Father got right down to business, “I believe that Brenda has a request for the family council.  Brenda, explain your request and why you want it.”

Suddenly Brenda wished that she had prepared better!  She stammered, “I ... I ... I would please like to s-s-swap punishments.  I would like to be s-sp-spanked instead of being on restriction.”

She went on to explain her problem and why it was important she be allowed to attend the victory celebration.  Her heart thumped wildly and her buttocks cringed as she ended up by offering to “take the hairbrush.”  She gulped then added, “On the bare bottom - tonight.”

There was a long silence as everyone absorbed that, but then Jim’s hand shot up.

Father recognized Jim with a nod.  Jim said, “That won’t work.”

Father’s eyebrows rose, “It won’t?”

Jim colored, “Well I’ve - err - had a bit more experience with that punishment than Brenda has.  It leaves the bottom and thighs marked for several days.  It also leaves you sore.  Even moving can hurt.”

Everybody looked at Jim with a blank expression.  Obviously they didn’t see the problem, so he pointed out the obvious, “She’s expected to dress in her cheerleader costume...”  Mother’s eyes widened.  “...and perform with her squad.  Her spanking will show, and it might hurt her to make those cheerleading moves.”

Seeing the huge flaw in her plan, Brenda’s face fell.  Tears flowed.

“Wait a minute,” father said.  “Thanks Jim.  But let’s continue with our family counsel.  We each speak and then Brenda gets a followup before we vote.  Brenda may withdraw her request then.  May I go next?”

Nobody objected, so father spoke: “Your mother has reminded me that it’s common knowledge that I’m a reluctant spanker.” 

He gave a rare blush, then added, “Especially where Brenda is concerned.”

Taking a deep breath, he continued, “I initially refused to entertain Brenda’s request.  However your mother pointed out that part of my reason for refusing might be selfish due to my dislike for that particular parental duty.  So I consented to allow this issue to be settled by a family council.” 
“That said, I remain opposed in principle to changing punishments once they are announced.  Brenda was happy when we gave her restriction because she perceived it as a lesser punishment than spanking.  Now she perceives otherwise, so she wants to swap.  That’s unfair.”

He nodded to mother, yielding the floor.  Brenda’s heart fell when she heard her mother’s words, “You know, that’s right!  Brenda wants to swap punishments because she suddenly sees the spanking as the lessor of two evils.  Fundamentally, that’s unfair.  Let’s not forget that we’re here because Brenda repeatedly broke curfew.  Whatever we do, she must be properly punished for that.  She must learn her lesson!”

Father visibly relaxed, now believing his wife totally on his side.  Thinking the game lost, Brenda shed tears.

But mother continued!  “If we agree to swap punishments, there should be a price to be paid.  Do you agree Brenda?  Are you willing to pay a reasonable price for the privilege of swapping punishments?” 

Sudden hope shining in her damp eyes, Brenda emphatically nodded.

“Then this is what I propose,” mother continued, “A hand spanking today.  That would be the price you pay for the privilege of making this punishment swap.  The effects of a hand spanking will easily fade by Friday afternoon.  Your actual punishment would happen after the celebration.  That should be the hairbrush on the bare!  Does anyone see any problems with that plan?”

Brenda’s heart rate had reached epic heights, and her mouth went dry, but she said nothing.

Father spoke up, “For the record, I’m still opposed.  Jim, you have the floor.”

As Brenda expected, Jim spoke in her behalf.  He said that as a high school student he could uniquely understand how important this was to Brenda.  He also mentioned the days of restriction that Brenda had already served, “So she would actually be receiving two punishments for the curfew violations, besides paying the price for her punishment swap.  That’s not letting her off lightly.  So I’m in favor of the punishment swap if she still wants it.”

Then Brenda was allowed the floor.  She reiterated her brother’s points, said that she was nervous but would take her spankings without complaint, and was sorry for repeatedly breaking curfew.  “Had I taken family rules more seriously, we wouldn’t be here,” she confessed.  “Regardless how you people vote, I’ve learned my lesson.  I promise, no more curfew problems.” 
A long silence followed.  Father looked around, wordlessly inviting any further comment from the council.  Finally he called a vote, “All in favor of allowing Brenda’s punishment swap raise your hand.”

Jim’s hand shot up.  Father’s hand stayed firmly down. Brenda couldn’t vote, so the deciding vote was mother’s.  Brenda’s stomach flipped as everybody looked at mother.  Finally, hesitantly, mother’s hand went up.  Brenda’s mouth went dry, she had just “won” two spankings!      

Father spoke formally, “Brenda, the family council has spoken.  Starting now, you are off restriction.  Sometime next weekend, you will receive a serious barebottom hairbrush spanking as your alternative punishment for repeatedly breaking curfew.  It will be on the bare, so that spanking will be in private.  The price for making that swap is a hand spanking that happens now.  You have the option; barebottom in private or over panties here.  

Wiping fresh tears from her eyes, Brenda stood, “First, thanks to everybody for taking my request so seriously.  I would have said that regardless of how the vote went.”  She looked sadly at her father, “Daddy, I know you didn’t want this.  I’m sorry to put you through it.  I promise that I will learn my lesson though.”

“Don’t be too sorry,” he replied graciously, “Spanking is one of the jobs I signed up for when I decided to become a father.  You are both good kids and the good has far outweighed the bad.”

Wet-faced, Brenda nodded and swallowed hard, “Since this is a family matter, I would please like to take my spanking here.”

Mother spoke up, “Do you need to use the bathroom first?”  Brenda shook her head, “I did that just before the family council.” 

Mother continued her pre-spanking query, “Are you wearing panties under your pajamas?”

Brenda blushed and nodded.

Always concerned about modesty, mother pressed, “Full cut panties?”

Brenda nodded again.

“In that case you may remove your pajama bottoms and then present yourself to your father.”

As Brenda shyly obeyed by removing her pajama bottoms, father jumped up, disappeared into the dining room, and returned with an armless chair.  He placed the chair sideways a few feet in front of mother and Jim where they would have a full view of the proceedings.

He sat.  Clad only in pajama top and panties, Brenda automatically came to him and spontaneously gave him a wet-faced hug.  Father remarked lightly, “You don’t make this easy on me do you?”

Brenda gave him a forced smile, “It’s OK daddy, I know you’ve gotta hurt my bottom.”

He cleared his throat and spoke is a slightly choked voice, “This spanking is the price you pay for swapping punishments, but it’s really caused by your disobedience in disregarding your curfew.  Is that clear?

Soberly, she nodded.

He craned his neck to inspect her panty-clad bottom, “Pull those panties up tight, and then lay across my lap so we can start.”

She obeyed, pulling all slack from her panties, leaving them molded around her buttocks as if painted on. Then she laid herself across her father’s lap and cooperated as he adjusted her position.  Her bravery stretched to the limit, she started to sniffle.

Father was a reluctant spanker, but  not a timid one.  He didn’t believe in token spankings, nor in warmups.  He started out with a quick flurry of hard spanks to each panty-covered buttock.  Brenda’s tears started immediately, and for good reason!  Within a minute of that first spank, poor Brenda was kicking and squalling as her father lit an intense fire in her bottom.  Remembering not to mark her bottom, he carefully spread out his spanks.      

Mother and Jim squirmed uncomfortably as they watched Brenda absorb her punishment.  The room was filled with not only spanking sounds, but also with Brenda’s bawling and shrieks.    Brenda’s legs kicked and splayed, so mother was thankful for those modest panties, and for their wide gusset.

With Brenda’s bottom uniformly shining red through the weave of her panties, father shifted his target area to her thighs.  He was especially cautious here to leave no lasting marks, but still spanked hard enough to intensify Brenda’s pained antics. 

With one last flurry of spanks to the fullest part of Brenda’s buttocks, father suddenly stopped and looked up at mother.  She nodded, he nodded back.  It was over.

Then came their usual post-spanking ritual, holding the girl in place until she calmed, helping her to her feet, allowing her to dance and rub, and then inviting her into father’s lap for a forgiving cuddle and another cry.  Mother and Jim hovered, offering whatever comfort they could.

Finally the parents escorted their freshly spanked girl to her room.  They pulled back the sheets, laid her face-down on the bed, and then sat on each side rubbing her back and murmuring calming, loving words.

Mother gingerly peeled down Brenda’s panties to check for damage.  She was bright red, but with little potential for bruising.  Still, they decided on ice packs just to be sure.  Father left to fetch them.  After the ice treatment and an application of soothing cream, they declared her aftercare complete.  Mother removed her panties completely and covered her bare bottom with a sheet.  After final kisses, they left Brenda to drift off to sleep.               


For the next two days, Brenda determinedly pushed her pending hairbrush spanking from her mind.  She had many things to do, including study for final exams.  Being busy, plus happily anticipating the victory celebration, distracted her from her troubles.  Her spanked bottom wasn’t a problem.  She checked in the mirror, and it looked normal.  As advertised, that hand spanking had no lingering physical effects.

Soon the big day came!  The victory celebration was great fun!  Brenda performed with her cheerleading squad, and their performance went perfectly.  There was no guarantee, but Brenda felt she had an excellent chance for a spot in next year’s varsity squad.  She even scored some good face time with the varsity coach.

But all good things must come to an end!  Jim had also attended, so he drove her home.

Excitedly they talked, but soon Brenda fell silent.  Finally Jim noticed, “Are you OK sis?”

“Not really,” she admitted, “I’m going to ask daddy to spank me tonight.  I’m scared, but I want it over with.  I’ll bet he wants it over too.”

Jim paused before speaking, “That’s a good idea Brenda.  Waiting is hell and it’s the same spanking now or later.  You’ll hate it while it’s happening, but you’ll be so relieved when it’s over that your sore bottom will seem minor.”

Another thought occurred to him, “Would you like me to leave the house this evening to give you more privacy?  

“No!” she exclaimed, “Even though you can’t be with me when it’s happening, I want you there for moral support.”

In truth, Jim had planned an outing with friends that evening after dropping off Brenda.  But how could he say “no”?

“Of course I’ll be there for you sis,” he promised.  “Should I come into your room afterwards?” 

“Please do,” she said, “but I might not be much fun to be with just then.”

“I’ll understand,” Jim promised, “And if you decide that you would rather be alone, just say the word.  I won’t be mad.”

“You’re the best big brother in the world!” she enthused. 


Still wearing her cheerleader costume, Brenda swallowed a lump in her throat as she faced her parents.

Lightly they asked, “Well?  How did it go?”

“Wonderful,” she enthused, “It was perfect, and I’m so thankful that you allowed me to go.  Speaking of which...”  Her voice trailed off in a nervous gargle.

They both looked at her, wondering what was next.

She tried again, “Speaking of which, mommy and daddy, can I have my punishment tonight?”  Her voice broke, but she forced herself to continue, “I’m scared, but I think we all hate waiting.”

The parents looked at each other.  Sometimes parents have whole conversations at a nonverbal level.  This was one of those times.   Simultaneously they looked back at her.  Father delivered the verdict, “If you are really up for it after such a long day, I think that would be best.”

Her eyes swam with tears.  She couldn’t speak, so she just hugged both parents together.  Then she started sobbing.  That little cry helped.  She wiped her eyes, stood up straight and said, “I’m ready mommy and daddy.”

Mommy took charge of the preparation details, “Go upstairs, undress, and quickly shower.  Then put on a modest bra.  No panties, but wrap a towel around your waist.  Do it fast!  Call us upstairs the minute you’re ready.”

Brenda nodded, then fled.         


In his bedroom, Jim’s sharp ears heard the shower run.

Ten minutes later, he heard Brenda’s voice calling her parents.  She sounded strained.

Then he heard heavy footsteps on the stairway, and then footsteps down the hall.  It could only be his parents.  The door to Brenda’s bedroom closed firmly.

There were several minutes of silence.  Just when Jim dared hope that nothing would happen, he heard the first sharp report of heavy plastic meeting firm young buttflesh.  Brenda immediately squealed out in pain.  He lay on his bed and pulled his pillow around his ears, but it didn’t help.  He could still hear every nuance of his sister’s spanking.   It seemed to go on forever.  As she neared exhaustion, Brenda’s cries became hoarse and pitiful. 

Jim wondered if it sounded just as bad when it was he getting the hairbrush.  He decided it must be so.  At times like that, nobody can stay brave.  

Finally it was over.  Brenda bawled piteously for several more minutes, but finally the house again became quiet.  He knew he wouldn’t be allowed in there if her bottom was bare, so he waited.  As usual, they stayed with her a long time.  Finally they left. 


Jim crept into Brenda’s room.

At first he thought she was asleep, but then he heard a gentle sob.  He caressed her back.  She jumped at his touch, but then realized it was Jim.  He gave her a brotherly kiss on the cheek.

“Boy, you really got it.”

“Only what I expected,” she replied, “and honestly, no less than I deserved.”

“How are you feeling?” 

“I feel stupid,” she replied.  “I put everybody through this drama and me through this pain just because I decided to blow off curfew rules.  I knew better, but somehow it wasn’t important at the time.”

“Did you hear it?” she asked shyly.

“Yes.  Honestly, I was hoping you’d want me to leave so I wouldn’t have to hear it.”

“I guessed that Jim, but I needed you here.  Was it loud, was I a baby?”

“Yes, it was loud.  Don’t worry Brenda, I yell too when I get the hairbrush.  That hairbrush is serious business!”

Wide awake now, Brenda seemed to need to talk, so Jim listened to her story:

 “They told me to just wear a bra and a towel around my middle, and to call when I was ready.  I called, and they came right up.  I never saw the hairbrush, dad probably hid it behind his back so it wouldn’t freak me out.” 

“They were nice to me Jim!  We talked for a while.  I told them how sorry I was, and I thanked them for swapping my punishment.  I told them I knew my spanking would be bad, and promised not to be mad at them.”

“Then we talked about rules, and the ones I had broken.  I told them I was sorry and that I deserved to be punished, but I had already learned my lesson.  At least I tried to say that because I was crying by then.  I think they got the message.”

“And then it happened.  Mom took me gently by the shoulders and led me to daddy’s side.  Then she bent me over and quickly took my towel.  I don’t think daddy saw my front, but I was over his lap and naked from my bra down!”    

“He made me put my arms behind me and then he held them so tight it hurt.  And then he started spanking me with the hairbrush so I forgot about my arms!  I know I screamed and made all kinds of noise but I couldn’t believe how much it hurt!  It seemed to go on forever!  I must have struggled, but I was totally helpless.  I couldn’t even kick.  I think mom was holding my feet.”

“It’s hard to describe, but I finally just surrendered.  I think I went limp and wasn’t screeching so loud.  And then it was finally over, but I didn’t even notice that for a while.”

“When he finally let me up, I was supposed to let mommy put the towel around me, but I sort of went crazy and gave them a dance show.  I embarrassed dad, and mom wasn’t pleased either.”

“But once I finally got calmed down and decently covered, mom and dad really made me feel loved.  They spent a lot of time with me and made sure I was OK.  They didn’t put ice on me like before though.  They said my bottom was supposed to hurt for a few days after a hair brushing.
They used that lotion though.  That helps some.  I haven’t seen my bottom, but I know it’s a mess.  I haven’t tried sitting yet, but I know it will hurt”

“Yep,” Jim said, “a lot of that sounds familiar to me.  Even that towel thing.  And don’t feel bad, I’ve given our parents some nude dance performances also.”

Brenda giggled at that mental image, but then yawned sleepily, cueing Jim to leave so his sister could sleep.  Painful as it was for Brenda, the incident served as a great bonding experience for Jim and Brenda. They remained fast friends through adulthood.  

Almost immediately, life returned to normal in Brenda and Jim’s household.  

Fortunately, that was Brenda’s last hairbrush spanking.  She did manage to earn two hand spankings before reaching adulthood, but for other issues.  From that day on, Brenda was a believer in following rules.

© Guyspencer 2014

Backpacker's Campsite

© Guyspencer 2014
Backpacker’s Campsite

It was to be the ultimate orgy of conjugal togetherness for the fit young couple, a full week alone in the wilderness at a remote campsite.  Their new high-tech tent and air mattress were a delight, but they had caused a big problem.


Jane and Evan had been married nearly two years.  Their first year had been tough, especially financially tough, but now their marriage was finally on an even keel.  Both finally were established in stable jobs.  They were jobs that they were good at, and jobs that would likely lead to careers.  Evan was a firefighter/EMT for a large city.  At first he had just received recruit pay, but now he was finally certified and had been promoted to full status.  Jane had a sales job.  It had taken time to build a good client base, but now she was finally making fairly good money.

In their first year of marriage, both Jane and Evan had lots of growing up and growing together to do.  At first, Evan had tended to disappear with his friends, but he quickly learned that a married man is expected to stick with his wife.  Jane had trouble handling money.  It had taken her a bit longer to break her free-spending habits.

Like most couples they had their little problems, but the survival of their marriage was never in doubt.  From the beginning, Evan and Jane were very much in love.  Unsurprisingly, the physical side of their relationship included frequent, varied and vigorous bedroom activity. 

One method that they used to vary their lovemaking was through role play.  Although they knew little of the “spanking scene”, they learned that any scenario that included stripping Jane and then spanking her delicious bare bottom to a tingly pink hue was a sure turn-on for both of them.

Totally separate from their spanking play was their punishment spanking agreement, which was their way of settling issues between them.  Although their agreement was technically bilateral, so far only Jane had been spanked.

Those spankings had only happened three times, but it was always for the same thing; impulse purchases.  The couple had a rule that they must agree on any major purchase, and on any use of their credit card.  So three times over the last two years, Jane had placed her bare bottom over Evan’s lap to pay for violating that rule.       

The couple had agreed that their punishment spankings would be rare, somber, borderline severe, and (so they liked to pretend) nonsexual.  Each time, Jane would tearfully apologize to Evan.  Then, with a blush, she would doff her pants and panties and voluntarily lay her slender body across Evan’s lap, automatically offering her right hand to be restrained in the small of her back.  Before it would be over, Jane would be a mess.  She would be bawling, red-bottomed, and (in spite of herself) struggling   Evan used only his hand, but he spanked hard enough so that Jane felt it for days after.  She only blamed herself for these spankings, and each spanking was always followed by instant mutual forgiveness.  That way, the couple never had to deal with festering issues!

Evan knew that he wasn’t perfect, and that eventually his turn would come across Jane’s lap.  When that day came he planned to insist he be given no quarter, and he resolved to “take his punishment like a man”.


Early on, Jane and Evan discovered that they had a mutual interest in the outdoors.  They started camping together even before their marriage.  They had some of their first sex inside zipped-together sleeping bags.  In the earlier money-starved months of their marriage, camping and hiking provided them with cheap recreation and wonderful togetherness.  Most of their camping gear was old “hand-me-downs” from their parents.  Their shelter was an ancient but rugged old “pup” tent that was probably military surplus.  When no campfire was available, they learned to cook their meals on a timeless old  Primus No. 1 stove.  They only splurged on good shoes and back packs for hiking.    

As luck would have it, they lived within a two-hour drive of a huge, but mostly undeveloped state park.  They had hiked and camped there several times before learning that the park had several remote “backpacker’s” campsites deep in the undeveloped areas of the park.  Among backpackers these sites were popular.  In fact, they were so popular that they had to be reserved an entire year in advance.  The sites were widely scattered, and to give the vegetation time to recover, each was only used one week out of three.  Because of the remoteness of the sites and their wide spacing, it was likely that one could camp for a whole week without sighting any other humans!

To qualify to use a “backpacker’s” campsite, they attended a seminar at the Park office to learn the rules and to receive tips.  They also had to be experienced campers and hikers.  Since they used that park often, that second requirement wasn’t a problem for them.  There was a considerable rental fee for the sites, and a security deposit that was only returned after the site had been inspected and found clean.

Long story short, Evan and Jane were ecstatic when they succeeded in landing a reservation for a site.  The date was for a prime spring week, a full year hence.  At least they had plenty of time to plan and to arrange vacation time from their jobs!

Over the coming months they visited their REI sporting goods store often.  They drooled over all the fancy equipment, but were able do little more than gradually purchase the foil packets of freeze dried food they would need.  They would carry everything in on their backs.  Hunting wasn’t allowed, so fresh food wouldn’t be available and canned goods were too heavy.  Fortunately, all campsites were near a clean meandering brook, so water would be plentiful.      


That aforementioned fancy new tent and air mattress unfortunately represented yet another unauthorized impulse credit card purchase.  Both were sale merchandise, so their sale was final.  There was a heartfelt abject apology given, but the couple’s spanking agreement allowed no exceptions.  Unfortunately this happened the day before they were due to leave for their camping vacation.  No spanking could be given that evening because their apartment had thin walls and their neighbors were home all evening.  The spanking would have to happen alfresco, out in the woods!  Naturally this threw a bit of a pall over what should have been an idyllic time, but the couple was determined to cope.


They showed up bright and early on the appointed Saturday morning to claim their campsite.  Unloading their car was simple because everything they needed fit into two backpacks.  Being an athletic young lady, and once on her college volleyball team, Jane was no weakling.  She had insisted that the packs be of equal weight, so each carried about 40 pounds.  Nothing could be left at the campsite, so they would later carry nearly the same weight out.  Fortunately they wouldn’t have to hike the entire ten miles with those heavy packs.  Motor vehicles weren’t allowed in the park, but the park kept a horse and buggy.  A volunteer worker would drive them via a fire road into the primitive area of the park.  They would only need to carry their packs the final two or three miles.

Their driver was a friendly fellow with an outfit and a beard that went well with the horse and buggy.  They rode over the bumpy fire road for over an hour before he finally stopped.  He shook their hands, gave them final instructions, and promised to pick them up next Saturday.  There was no path to the campsite, they were to head east through the woods until they found the stream, and then turn left.  They would eventually see a numbered sign along the stream pointing to their assigned site.  After patting the patient horse, the couple hefted their packs and eagerly disappeared into the woods.

It took them a bit over an hour to find the site.  The old man’s instructions had been perfect.

The camp site was very simple.  Its only facilities were a fire pit in the middle of a clearing, a rude bench near the fire, and a minimalist toilet located a discreet distance off in the woods.  Soon they had their tent pitched within 20 feet of the babbling brook.  Regardless of their other feelings, both admitted that their new tent was a wonder.  It had far more space than their old tent, but weighed less and was simpler to set up.  Evan inflated the air mattress, a camping luxury they had never before had the opportunity to enjoy.  

They had hiked into camp wearing fairly heavy clothing, but couldn’t carry a full week’s worth of such clothing.  So their plan was simple, they would wear the minimum, rinse it out daily, and allow it to dry overnight.  Evan would wear only a brief pair of polyester shorts without underpants.  Jane would wear the same, plus a light halter.  In the evenings, they would simply go naked.  Should the evenings be too cool, they would wear blankets Indian-style.  They also brought light windbreakers for cool or inclement weather.             

With their tent and mattress set up, they decided to don their shorts.  Although they didn’t expect anyone to be within a mile of them, there was always the theoretical possibility that day hikers might blunder along.  So park rules required them to be “decently covered” during daylight hours.  Jane and Evan simply popped into their new tent to change.  Since this loving young couple rarely missed an opportunity to enjoy sensual pleasures together, they undressed each other.  Caresses followed.  One thing led to another.  The new mattress got a workout!

As it happened, Jane and Evan had “gone natural” in more ways than one.  Two months earlier, after a long conversation with Evan, Jane had gone off the pill.  Until today, they had resorted to condoms to allow the artificial hormones to work their way out of Jane’s body.  This morning they had purposely left their package of condoms at home.  Inside that tent, for the first time ever, the couple had sex without birth control!  They had decided that it was time to start a family, and loved the idea that their first child might be conceived here in this natural place.  By coincidence, Jane’s monthly cycle was correct to make that a reasonable possibility.

Thinking of the enormity of what they had just done, and of their love for each other, the two clung together for a long time before finally emerging from the tent and blinking in the midday light.  

They spent the rest of the afternoon unpacking, arranging their gear, and exploring the general area.  That evening they cooked their supper on their little Primus stove and lingered on the bench until stars peeked through the tree canopy.  Alternately they talked, and then fell silent to enjoy the mysterious sounds of nature surrounding them.  Even the evening bouquet of nature was new and amazing to them.  Finally they zipped themselves into their tent for an energetic try at the “baby lottery,” followed by a wonderful night cuddled in their zipped-together sleeping bags. By now they had noticed that sex was enticingly different on their new air mattress, offering a pleasantly different sensation compared to their firm bed at home.    


Their days quickly fell into a routine.  Early mornings were lazy.  They would stay snuggled together until enough daylight filtered through the trees and thence through their tent to wake them.  After a “good morning” kiss and hug, they would emerge from the tent, retrieve their brief outfits which were always hung on a nearby tree drying from the previous evening’s rinsing out, brew coffee, and then finally cook breakfast on their little Primus stove. Then they would tidy their campsite, pack a single backpack, and depart for their daily hike.

The morning leg of their hike was the most strenuous, usually uphill towards one of the nearby peaks.  They didn’t use established trails, but there was little underbrush so walking was easy.  They occasionally “got lost” but there were sufficient landmarks so that they always were able to re-orient themselves. 

They always planned their walk to end up in a high place around lunchtime.  They would find a secluded clearing, spread their blanket, and prepare lunch.  After lunch, Evan might playfully untie Jane’s halter.  She typically responded by “pansting” him.  It would always end with them naked on the blanket.  Nudity was a technical violation of park rules, but they  found this tiny possibility of discovery a turn-on.  Actually they never saw any other humans on these hikes, since they were in the remotest reaches of the park.  Eventually they would make tender love.  In a delightful erotic haze, they would cuddle and snooze in the afternoon warmth.  Eventually they would arise, pack, and then enjoy the easy downhill trek back to the campsite.  On the way, they collected fallen branches for their evening campfire.

They would arrive at their campsite in plenty of time to prepare supper, doff and rinse out their outfits, and then enjoy a lazy and quiet evening of togetherness in front of their little campfire.


Since sore gluteal muscles and hiking don’t go together well, the couple had agreed that the spanking would happen late in the week.  That had seemed like a good plan at the time, but that pending spanking was never far from their thoughts as they tried to make the best of their vacation.  Evan often saw it in Jane’s eyes, a sad look that she tried to hide.

It was Jane who broke first.  On their Wednesday morning hike, her silence betrayed that something was on her mind.  With trepidation, he finally confronted her, asking her to please “spit it out” so they could deal with it.  Tears sprang to her eyes, “This waiting is killing me Evan.  Could we please get this spanking over with today?” 

His heart thumped, his mouth went dry. 

Finally he answered, “OK, it can be today.  We’ll do it late enough this evening so that we know we’re alone, but early enough so there’s still light.  Would that be OK?”  They embraced, Evan wiped away her tears as Jane nodded her agreement.  That day they kept to their usual routine, but with an understandable layer of sad expectancy to everything they did.

They got back to their campsite, and prepared supper on their little stove as usual.  They didn’t bother with a campfire.  Afterward they sat quietly on the bench, each person deep in personal thoughts.  Neither seemed to want to suggest that they “get on with it”.  Finally Evan stood and pulled Jane to her feet.  As he hugged her, he could feel her heart pounding. 

He spoke gently, “We agree this must be a serious spanking right?  We’ve had this money discussion often enough that there’s really no excuse.  This should be the worst spanking of all.”

Sadly but reluctantly, Jane agreed.

Evan went to the tent and dug deep into their spare backpack for a package that he had hid from Jane.  Her eyes widened as she peeked at the contents, a heavy hairbrush.  He explained, “We just agreed on what needs doing, this will get the job done quicker and easier.” 

Jane gulped sadly, not able to hold his eyes.  “Yes Evan, I suppose you’re right.  That will help me do a good job.” 

She accepted the proffered hairbrush.

She stayed dressed, but he doffed his shorts, leaving him naked.  She sat on the bench.  He stood in front of her.  His rigid erection looked a bit incongruous as he apologized for impulsively putting those several hundred dollars on their charge card and for, “screwing up their vacation.”  She stood, offered one last tearful hug, and then sat and purposely guided him over her lap.        

The bench was low, so Evan’s toes dug into the grass on Jane’s right side, and his palms steadied him on the other.  Jane could feel his rigid penis nestled between her bare thighs. 

She started with her hand.  The first sharp sounds rang out as Jane landed solid spanks to the peak of each buttock.  Except for a gasp, a wriggle, and pointing his toes, Evan didn’t respond.

Jane knew it was early in the game, so she simply continued, using firm spanks to paint each of his cheeks a uniform shade of medium red.  The first tangible evidence of the punishment’s effect was when that part of him caught between her thighs shriveled.  Despite his obvious determination to take his punishment silently, Evan’s body started to rebel against his wishes.  First he started writhing in pain, and then the first grunts of distress finally escaped his lips.  

As slim young women go, Jane was solid and muscular.  In particular, as Evan was painfully learning right now, her collegiate volleyball background had given her strong arms and shoulders. However, those collisions with Evan’s tight bottom had put a surprising sting into her hands.  She paused to rub the pain from her palms and to consider her next move.  That pause allowed Evan to catch his breath and regain a few lost wits.

Evan unhappily anticipated Jane’s next target area.  It wasn’t hard; so far her spanking technique had mirrored his own.  Soon his fears were painfully realized when she started peppering the backs of his thighs.  He strained to keep from kicking as she spanked color into his thighs, and occasionally relieved the boredom with full-strength shots to his sit spots. 

But then Evan did an amazingly brave thing, he voluntarily opened his legs to reveal fresh, unspanked inner thigh.  “Good boy” Jane breathed, “That’s a good idea”.  Being careful to avoid his dangling male parts, Jane went to work on his inner thighs.  It was all Evan could do to keep from slamming his thighs shut, but the effort cost him.  Losing control of his emotions, Evan’s eyes stung with tears and he could no longer hide his sobs from Jane.

Finishing with his thighs, Jane paused a full minute to allow Evan’s breathing to catch up.  “You’re doing fine Honey, but I’m afraid worse is ahead.  Can we continue?”  Still sobbing, Evan nodded decisively.  Holding his waist tightly with her left hand, Jane unleashed a stinging volley of spanks, starting high on his bottom, moving down, concentrating on his sit spots, and preceding down the back of each thigh.  By now, Evan was frankly bawling.
She hated what was next, but Jane had promised to “do a good job’ so she didn’t hold back.  She repositioned Evan so that her right leg restrained his legs.  Then she demanded his right hand to protect it from the hairbrush. 

Sadly she picked up the hairbrush and gripped it hard.  “You’re  cooperating well Evan.  This part will be hell, but it’ll be done quickly if you can cooperate.”

Evan was crying too hard to answer, but she detected a nod.  Gripping his right wrist in a death grip, and pushing firmly down on his torso, she raised the hairbrush and snapped it down.  Evan’s head raised.  His cry turned into a loud wail.

Jane didn’t deliver any set number of swats, she just wanted to finish this spanking quickly.  So she used the hairbrush fast and hard.  As she did, a tear fell off her right cheek and fell unnoticed exactly on the summit of Evan’s livid left buttock.  Nobody had a chance to see it glisten there before the hairbrush smashed it into molecules.  The loud sound of the hairbrush colliding with Evan’s bottomflesh was easily drowned out by the sound of Evan’s shriek, which filled the campsite.  Still, the trees, the terrain and the intervening distance ensured that the sounds reached no other humans.

Then it was over!  Jane laid down the hairbrush.  She held Evan across her lap for a few moments until she felt it safe to let him stand.  As she held him, she whispered sweet things in his ear and massaged his back.  Evan came back to himself quickly, his sobs quickly diminishing.  Finally she helped him to his feet.  After a quick hug, she released him.  He seemed steady on his feet, but his face was a mess.  Thinking quickly, Jane picked up Evan’s discarded shorts and ran to dip them in the brook.  Then she returned to wash his face. 

Evan danced a bit, ruefully explored his bottom with the tips of his fingers, and then grabbed Jane into a massive hug.  “I’m  sorry to put you through that, but you delivered a hell of a spanking, exactly as you promised.  I have a wonderful wife.”  

Obviously there were no hard feelings!

Although Evan’s bottom hurt like hell, what he mostly felt was relief.  He was relieved that his punishment was over, and especially relieved that he hadn’t disgraced himself by struggling or by begging to be let off. 

Evan’s next move surprised and amused Jane.  He trotted to the brook and then lowered his bottom into the cold water.  He didn’t dare sit on the rocky bottom, so he just squatted in the deepest part with a look of pure relief on his face.  She waded in with him.  With the clear, cold water babbling around them, they hugged again and shared a deep kiss.  While Evan cooled his scorched bottom, Jane doffed her shorts and halter to rinse them out.

Seeing that Evan was quickly returning to his playful self, Jane expressed an irreverent thought, “If a spanking happened in the woods and nobody heard it, did it really happen?” 

Evan gently felt his bottom, “Oh yes, it happened!  And I hope to hell that nobody heard it.”

Hand-in-hand they emerged from the water.  Jane noticed that Evan’s male equipment was shriveled from the cold water.  She pointed impishly “Looks like he is off duty for the evening.”

“Don’t count on that young lady,” Evan exclaimed with mock indignation as he led her towards the tent and the air mattress that had been the cause of his spanking. 

As it turned out, in spite of the burning in his bottom and his temporarily shriveled condition,  Evan turned in a fine performance that night.  Although they can’t know for sure, the couple believes that’s when Jane conceived. 

Even when he reached adulthood, they never confessed to their boy why his nickname was “Spanky”.

© Guyspencer 2014